This isn’t an exhaustive list of the services we deliver
through All Under One Roof, but it does demonstrate
the wide array of activities and programs AUOR engages
in with your support: 

Weekly Youth Group
 Monthly meetings please email for more information.

Free HIV testing and counseling
 Second Wednesday of Every Month
 Email Shane Ames for more information.

Women’s Night
 Meeting Lesbian,Transgender  Women and their Allies
 Monthly meetings please email for more information.

HIV Positive Support Group
 Monthly meetings please email for more information.

HIV Assistance Program
 Funded with World’s AIDS Day Event,
“An Evening in Red” which raised over $13,000.00
 Funds used to help people in Southeastern Idaho living with HIV/AIDS
 Please email for more information.

Resource Library
 Books and Films for professionals and LGBT
 Community Members

Understanding LGBT Youth Seminar
 No cost Seminar offered to Counselors, Teachers,
 Administrators on LGBT Youth, done in conjunction
 with ISU Counseling Department, participants can
 receive 1 graduate credit from ISU for $55.00
 (normal cost $400.00)
 Please email for more information.

Transgender Resources and Support Services
 Referrals to local doctors and counselors  Assistance in all phases of transitions
“Gay Allie.
 Please email for more information.